My books

The greatest revolution of all time
Together with financial strategist Florian Kössler, seven-time Spiegel bestselling author Marc Friedrich shows you in his latest book why our current monetary system is doomed to failure and how you can still save your wealth. Because there is already a solution for better and fairer money: Bitcoin.
The greatest opportunity of all time
We are in the midst of a historic turning point - worldwide!
Economy, politics, work, society. Nothing will remain as it is or was recently. We are facing major upheavals and the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. The coronavirus pandemic is not the cause of the current crisis, but merely an accelerant. The real causes lie much deeper. We are in a cycle change.
We must not forget that crises are essential for the progress of humanity. It is only through a catharsis that people are prepared to initiate the necessary changes. Crises are therefore also opportunities: fortunes are now being made or destroyed for generations to come.

The biggest crash of all time
The 2008 financial crisis shook the foundations of our financial system. We are still feeling the monetary, social and political effects today. Unprecedented rescue orgies by the ECB & Co. and a historically unique central bank experiment of permanent zero interest rates are dispossessing savers, small investors and policyholders. A gigantic burden of taxes and levies is robbing the middle class of any financial leeway. At the same time, expropriations are now being considered - and they are coming.
The people are running away from the popular parties and politics is at a standstill. Since 2008, there has been a historic loss of confidence in the financial world, in politics, in the media and in the existing monetary system. The gap between rich and poor continues to widen, creating social explosives. We are facing a unique turning point with the most severe upheavals. It is not five to twelve, but ten past twelve. The window of opportunity for action is getting smaller and smaller. Become active!
The biggest robbery in history
WELCOME to an exciting journey into the world of madness, lies, fraud and the greatest destruction of capital that mankind has ever experienced. The biggest robbery in history is taking place before our very eyes, and we are all its victims. The rich in our society are getting richer, while everyone else is getting poorer.
The authors ask: How is money created in the first place? How do banks and the state actually make money? Why is the global financial system unfair? Are the banks really the only ones to blame for the current misery or should political decision-makers also be held accountable? Isn't the euro ultimately doomed to failure? Are life and pension insurance policies, building society savings contracts and government bonds still appropriate investments? Do financial products serve the customer or only the financial industry? Who actually benefits from the debts of our state?
This exciting and engaging book not only provides answers for insecure investors. It shows which investments still make sense and which only benefit the financial industry. The next few months could be decisive for the financial fate of countries and their citizens. You are also affected: If you don't act now, you may soon be left empty-handed. But every crisis also has its opportunities. Make sure you are not one of the losers!

Capital error
Criminal speculators and clueless politicians have pushed sustainable economic activity to the back burner. People have taken a back seat and we have had to realize that financial capitalism is simply bad capitalism: Financial capitalism is simply bad capitalism. In "Kapitalfehler", the bestselling duo Weik/Friedrich explain in a generally understandable way how sensible capitalism can really work, and they do not shy away from clearly naming undesirable developments, the criminal banks and the real rip-off artists. Because only if something changes now can we save our money.
Otherwise it'll go bang!
Our economic order, but also our political landscape, are completely out of kilter. More and more people have the feeling that they are only working for the state and feel disadvantaged. Meanwhile, a tiny global financial elite is producing gigantic bubbles of illusory wealth and politicians are standing idly by.
The bestselling authors show why the EU and the euro will fail. Why we need to tax consumption rather than performance in the future. Why an unconditional basic income, common goods and strict financial regulation are socially just and economically sensible. Let's act now, before it's too late - otherwise it's going to blow!

The crash is the solution
It is no longer a question of whether the crash will come - only when. Because all measures to save banks, countries and the euro are aimed at maximizing economic damage and causing Germany to go bankrupt. The expropriation of citizens for this eventuality has long been in preparation. Government bonds, pension and life insurance policies, bank accounts - these are the big losers in the event of a crash, which should come sooner rather than later, because only then will politicians and the economy be prepared to make radical changes.
The financial strategists explain to everyone how to shift their money into real assets in good time so as not to lose their savings.